Victoria Martin

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Feb 292024

Level 5, National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1JF

Wide, three-doored entrance to an old stone building with steps and a statue of a man in historical costume out front.

Professor Victoria Martin is a physicist and Professor of Collider Physics at the University of Edinburgh. She is a member of the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, and her research concerns understanding the Higgs boson. Professor Martin also works on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). Her work is featured in a video at the National Museum of Scotland, level 5 in the Enquire gallery.

A light-haired woman wearing a dark suit and blue hard hat with a CERN logo in front of a background of colourful cables, wires and equipment.

Victoria Martin at the CMS experiment at CERN
A museum exhibit featuring a large copper spherical machine in front of a circle of wires and cables. There is a television on a blue wall to the right of it, and Victoria Martin, particle physicist, is on the television.


  • Victoria Martin.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Aug. 2022.
  • Victoria Martin.” School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, 3 Aug. 2022,.

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