Apr 132024

New St, Musselburgh, EH21 6DH

File:Fisherrow Harbour panorama.jpg
Source: Scyrene

Fisherrow is a harbour and former fishing village West of Musselburgh. The fishermen from here used to fish for herring, and later for white fish, prawns and sprats. This is not to be confused with the harbour at in the estuary of the river Esk, which was renown of the shellfish from this area gave rise to the name “Musselburgh”. In fact, there was some healthy rivalry between the two communities, for instance golf tournaments took place between the fishwives of Musselburgh and Fisherrow. The community held a “Box Walk” in September, marking the end of the fishing season, and giving charity to those in need.

Storyboard showing historic pictures and an image of a fishwife with traditional blue coat with yellow and red dress and two fishbaskets on her back
Storyboard on history of fishing in the harbour by East Lothian Council
Fisherrow Harbour on a sunny day

Fisherrow Harbour and Seashore Association https://www.fhsa.org.uk

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