14 India Street, Edinburgh EH3 6EZ
Now home to a museum of his life and work, this was the childhood home of James Clerk Maxwell, famous for his revolutionary work on electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Maxwell was born here in 1831. His A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field (1865) demonstrated that both electric and magnetic fields and light travel through space as waves at the speed of light. This work laid the foundations for the invention of the radio. Clerk Maxwell’s was perhaps the most important contribution to theoretical physics between Newton and Einstein.
The house is now owned by the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation and my be visited by appointment.

Statue to James Clerk Maxwell by Alexander Stoddart, George Street, Edinburgh, unveiled 2008.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831–79).

Plaque at the birthplace of James Clerk Maxwell.
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If you are interested I could give you two or three scientific images to for possible inclusion in your Maxwell page and later we could offer you a panoramic video of the birthplace interior when it has been completed.