The Royal Society of Edinburgh

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Apr 242018

Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22-26 George St, Edinburgh EH2 2PQ

The RSE, created in 1783 for “the advancement of learning and useful knowledge” moved into this building in 1909. About 240 of its Fellows worked in India, including Sir Ronald Ross, who documented the link between mosquitoes and malaria, and Viceroy Lord Linlithgow. About 40 Fellows had Indian names, the earliest being educator, jurist, barrister and mathematician Asutosh Mukhopâdhyay in 1886. Several fellows gave the RSE Indian materials. Notably, Frances Simpson in 1819 gave four sculptures from Bihar/Bengal. George Swinton, in 1827, gave three Burmese sculptures; the head of a dugong; snakes; corals; an alligator and many other items.

Letterbox of Royal Society.

Letterbox of Royal Society.


Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.

Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.

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