Apr 162018

Greyfriars KirkyardGreyfriars Kirkyard, Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh EH1 2QQ

Of 670 grave plots here, at least 60 have Indian connections. Henry Mackenzie wrote essays against men with Indian fortunes coming back to lord it over Scotland with rubies and fiery curries, but his gravestone mentions three of his own sons who themselves served in India. Famous Latin poet George Buchanan was the earliest Scot to criticise colonialism in India in his ‘Polyonymum’ (1552) and ‘De Sphaera’ (1555). Isabella Hope survived shipwreck off Madagascar in 1792. In 1825, John Adam, acting Governor General of India, died aboard ship in the same seas, according to his memorial in the family mausoleum.

Grave of Isabella Hope.

Grave of Isabella Hope.

Grave of George Buchanan

Grave of George Buchanan.

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  One Response to “Greyfriars Kirkyard”

  1. Hello I’m a descendant of Suetonius McGowan who survived the Winterton wreck of Madagascar in 1792 . His Sister Jessie didn’t survive. George Buchann and Isabela Hope obviously survived the wreck George wrote and account of the disaster.
    Suetonious an Ensign with the Bengal Army Engineers returned to India 1794 approx. He was the son of
    Major General John McGowan also of the Bengal Army the son of John McGowan writer to the Signet W.S. in Edinburgh His property is where the writers building is situated today .He in turn was the son of William McGowan Town clerk of Whithorn was the son of a further 5 or 6 generstions of McGowans all of Whithorn they were all provost Bailies and other local government personally going back to 1400s
    Suetonius McGowan his father and several generations are all buried in India the Family returned to Great Britain soon after independence was given to india .There are still a few of the McGowan still living in India .
    JEAN Hood book on the Winterton wreck is still available the title is “Marked for Misfortune ”
    Which gives a accurate account and mentions Ensign Suetonius McGowan and his sister Jessie
    The other true Acount is by above George Buchan whose grave is shown in above photograph.
    George McGowan.

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